Privacy Policy

This website and company stresses the importance of data security. You do not have to give us any personal information to look around our site. Some services may need you to share your personal data. We get the data subject's permission before processing personal data that is needed but does not have a legal basis.

Personal Data Processing

Personal data such as your – – are processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and applicable national data protection laws. This policy informs about the collection, processing, and use of personal data and the rights of individuals.

Data Protection Measures

We have put in place both organizational and technical safeguards to make sure that the personal information processed through this website is kept as safe as possible. There may be security holes in internet-based data transfers, so full protection is not always guaranteed. Individuals can choose alternative means, such as telephone, to provide personal data.


  1. Personal Information:Any information relating to an identifiable person.
  2. Data Subject:An identifiable natural person.
  3. Processing:Anything that is done to personal data, be it automated or not, comprising:
collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.

Data Controller and Processor

The controller (the company, our service providers, or us) decides the purposes and norms of processing personal data. A processor is the entity handling personal data for the controller.  

Legal Basis for Processing

We process personal data based on the necessity to fulfill a contract, legal obligations, consent, vital interests of the data subject, or for our legitimate interests. This is the case unless the interests or basic rights and freedoms of the person whose data it is override it.

Data Subject Rights

Data subjects have the right to access their personal data, request correction or deletion, restrict processing, object to processing, and data portability. They can revoke consent at any time without impacting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Use of Cookies

Our website uses cookies for a better user experience like remembering user preferences and session management. Users can manage the use of cookies at their browser level. If you disable cookies, our website might not work as well.

Collection of General Information

  In general, when you visit our website, we get information like your browser type, operating system, ISP, and IP address. This data is used to make website content better, keep our technology systems safe, and keep track of web statistics.

Data Retention

Personal information is kept for as long as it takes to complete the tasks for which it was collected or as long as the law says so. Data is routinely blocked or deleted when it is no longer needed for the purposes.  

Third Party Disclosures

We may give personal information to third parties if the law requires it or if the data subject gives permission. Third parties must keep the data private and secure, and they can only use it to provide services.

Specific Uses of Personal Data

If the person whose data it is can agree, it can be used for marketing purposes. We make sure that marketing activities comply with applicable laws and respect the preferences of the data subject.

Security Measures

We use appropriate security measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. We regularly review our security policies and procedures for the safety of your data.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Periodically, we may change this privacy policy to reflect changes in how we practice or to meet new legal conditions. We will notify users of any noteworthy changes and update the policy date accordingly.